Hobbies – A more engaging look at me?

Good evening all. Well, it's at least evening since I started typing this out. 

   So I plan to name and list my hobbies maybe, and talk about why I like each one, I think... Maybe? We'll see.

   So to begin with, I will start with History. History can mean all sorts. It's a very broad term. Extremely broad actually. Let's break it down then. 

   Firstly, My family tree. Yeah, I don't know too much about my actual family tree. But what I find slightly... maybe not depressing but disheartening is that within 3 generations you're almost forgotten. Well, unless you're famous or contribute something significant to society or something. I understand in the age of no internet it may have been harder to inform us of what life was like or their thoughts. That said, there are ways to somewhat preserve your name. For example, my grandad has a stone with his name on it outside of The West Bromwich Albion Football ground, which is pretty cool.

 A path that is called the Baggies Brick Road. This is outside of the West Bromwich Albion football ground. My grandad has a brick in this brick road.
This is the West Bromwich Albions - Baggies Brick Road. My grandad has a brick here too.

  Sometimes I think harder about this family tree thing, whilst you can find these things out, I love looking at pictures that show my family in a different light. My grandad, for example, I have a picture of him framed in black and white from when he was maybe about 10 years old. His blue eye and brown eye are so vibrant. This carried through life I presume because even in old age his eyes were rich, and looked like they told a fair few tales.

Photo of my grandad in black and white, from circa maybe, 1945 to 1948?
This is my grandad as a child. I'm unsure of his age here, but what is interesting is the border around the photo, which is hand drawn pencil. I often wonder if my grandad did this himself as a child from school maybe.

   We know of libraries that store important works in the form of writing and pictures. But there is not much in the face of diaries I guess. Or maybe there is and I've not seen or come across these types of work yet. Well, my thought is that I'd love to do these memoirs and have them on the internet for all of eternity... or something like that. To be honest, I started with the intent that should I die early, then my kids with have at least something of me to read about and how my mind worked. I'm almost certain this would scare some people. Ha-ha.

  Grammarly over here telling me my engagement is a bit bland. Eesh, I've only just started. Chill.

  Right. I'm back. Another history that I love is nostalgia type I guess. So for example, if I visit a castle, I think to myself and wonder how many deaths or what happened (outside of what is said on the info board or site guides say) that it makes me tick, and I find myself away in another world of I wonder what it would be like. It's pretty hard to explain I guess. Sometimes I wonder if I have lived in this universe before. Anyway... Heading back to the topic. Below we have pictures of a castle that we happened to stop off at on our way back from holiday in Cornwall I believe. Launceston Castle.

Photo of the Earls chamber info board displayed at the castle. Text unreadable from photo. Link to castle site is above photos.
This is The Earl's Chamber of the castle.

   I also love football. I'm an Aston Villa supporter. Sorry, not sorry. I get to whatever games I can. I'm not Villa On Tour. However, I go when I can afford it.

   I enjoyed gaming growing up, I loved playing football growing up. Now I love football manager games. I'm too fat to be running around now. Easier from the armchair. The games I played growing up were Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive, Playstation, ps2, ps3, ps4, ps5, Nintendo 64, Gameboy colour, and GB Advance. Not sure if there were others. I loved Pokemon cards growing up too. I'll leave it here for this otherwise I'll be adding in my Batman cars and all sorts so let us not do that.

   Some things due to my Autism, I get hyper-fixated on things and then move past them. It's annoying as hell. You have all the desire and buy all the stuff, and then no longer care. So, next to my computer I went to Hobbycraft and bought a few materials to make a photo frame that had depth, and then just didn't do it. So it is all sat in my Hobbycraft bag under the computer.

  Talking about hitting that nostalgia from earlier. Some nostalgia hits hard as hell. Like smells that haven't been smelt for years and years. My example for this would be this. In my dad's flat growing up when I was about 10 maybe? Maybe younger. He had a pool table that was in the spare room. or was it mine and my brother's room? I'm not sure lol. Anyway. My dad eventually moved out of that flat around the age of 12 or 13. Maybe earlier actually. But anyway. I never really knew it at the time but that room had a smell. That poolroom table did. nearly 20 years later I went into a room in Cannock and the room looked old etc.. around when people could smoke and whatnot. But also looked somewhat past its best date and was no longer fit for use or even used. I pushed the door as I was looking around the place and wow the smell of nostalgia was knocking you off your feet powerful. It is amazing how much a certain smell can do. 

  There is another example to be fair I smell on a more regular basis due to the nature of my job. Black sand from casting metals. My god that smell is fulfilling. It reminds me of my grandad when he took me to the foundry and I saw him pour molten metal into black sand for castings. If I smell this particular smell when driving I slow down slightly and take deep breaths.

Black sand casting image. Sand is fine. Impression into sand is impeccable.
Taken from the website of Newby Foundries. This website actually shows the process in pictures in a simple format.

   Something I suppose this may not belong here but I will include it anyhow. I don't believe in God. I don't knock those that do. There are things I believe that some will not. Me? I don't know that I do believe in the afterlife, but I find it hard to believe there is nothingness after life itself. I also accept that the argument for that could be well do you remember anything before you were say 1 year old? Now whilst there may be people out there that can remember as far back as 1 year old. There are none that I've searched the internet for that remember coming out of their mother. Now I will say this. I don't necessarily mean that we die as a human and get to be born as another human, we could be a tree. It's a living organism it's not what we would call 'intelligent' per se. But it is life. Would I class this as life after death? Yes. Yes, I would. Why would I distinguish myself from different types of life? That would be selfish or presumptuous. Moving on.

  Another history I love is space. Outer space is insane. It's so hard to comprehend in our tiny brains. I look at the night sky and see the stars and moon that haven't changed and people like Julius Ceaser, Genghis Khan, Isaac Newton, and even the dinosaurs see what I see now. Dinosaurs might be a bit of a stretch but It's amazing to think that things like the moon's peppered landscape was created like that over hundreds of millions and millions of years. We see it just as the dinosaurs did. The James Webb space telescope. My self and my family I had it on the tv on the day of its launch. I remember it being delayed due to weather and I believe something else, but eventually it launched on Christmas day of 2021. You can see anything you'd like to know about James Webb Space Telescope with this link HERE. I have pictures of me and my son watching the launch somewhere. It's startling, to be honest. I get some people will read this and be like, uh huh. yeah. so what? But something like the moon will most likely stay in that state until we colonize it to some degree. Will its surface change to our eye? will we start seeing cities reflecting the sun's light on the moon? Probably not in my lifetime but I bet that would be something to marvel at.

Optical Fibre in a tray whereby it connects to another link in the chain.
The fiber in an ODF tray at the telephone exchange. Part of my job at one point was to install these. Some might say therapeutic. Others may say boring and repetitive.

   Coming back down to Earth, I work in utilities. I think what I have done so far in providing people with Fibre networks will stand for a long time. Copper is over 100 years old now and whilst we have gathered pace at an incredible rate that is often referred to as Moore's Law. For me to be involved with upgraded telephone networks to fiber and all that it's nice. There are still poles and joints in the ground that I come across and have the old lead stamps on them from 80+ years ago. I would love to have someone see the fiber labels I added to a node 80+ years from now in the underground network. In fact. I installed a small joint outside a field in the middle of the country. Nothing noticeable on the outside, it's a normal node. Until you open her up and on the lid, it says something along the lines of "I hope you find this node well and in order. I hope you have a great day. Dated whatever the date was on the day". I think that would be nice for someone to see. To be clear. There will be no need for anyone to ever open this node up unless a tree has fallen, new properties get stood and a new cable needs to go through the node.

   On the upside, Grammarly over here is telling me my engagement is now engaging. Oh yeah. Bring it on!